Проучване на Европейската комисия

Уважаеми членове на ОБК,

Като пълноправни членове на Европейския алианс на малкия бизнес (ESBA), ние от ОБК дадохме своето съгласие, макар и с малко да допринесем за Европейския проект, наречен “Мобилизирайте МСП” (Mobilise SME), който подпомага движението на наетите служители/работници между партниращите фирми.

По-долу е писмото на г-н Луиджи Дела Сала от Европейската комисия, управляващ проекта. Моля Ви да го прочетете внимателно и да дадете своя принос за осъществяването на този, така важен за МСП, европейски проект.

Моля да отделите 5-10 минути от Вашето време и да попълните формуляра, като натиснете линк за езика, който владеете.

Благодаря Ви предварително,

Мирена Макрова

Dear ESBA Member, 

The European Commission is interested in testing the attractiveness of a scheme which supports staff exchanges between companies (SMEs) across EU Member States and selected third countries. The exchange relates to an employee being placed in another company in Europe for a temporary period of time (one-way exchange).

 I think that the active involvement of your members in this project might present many benefits, among which the possibility to shape a future mobility programme for SMEs or even present the main reasons why SMEs might be against a similar programme. 

I kindly ask you to participate to the following project’s activities: 


  1. SURVEY.Approx. 100.000 MSMEs from 19 EU countries + Turkey can participate in an online survey to say what they really want and expect from this project. This survey is about collecting feedback from businesses on the feasibility, attractiveness, organisation and features of such a scheme. As a European company, your views are crucial for its design and development. We would also like to encourage replies from companies who do not consider this mobility scheme a good idea or who do not think that it is relevant for them.

The survey takes only 5-10 minutes to fill in and is anonymous, meaning that your replies will be treated confidentially. If you want to participate to the exchange please provide your email during the survey and you will be provided with more information on the exchange scheme.

The survey is available in 10 languages and is accessible by clicking on this link (http://mobilisesme.eu/index.php/en/2016/05/10/survey-for-smes-online/) or the following ones:

Dutch http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2752814/1165f569d294-NL

English http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2752814/e0d2c801ccc0-English

Estonian http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2752814/3965ace6b18d-Estonian 

French  http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2752814/9bfafeff9770-French

German http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2752814/3daa699f9e74-German

Italian http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2752814/982be3da5b37-Italian

Hungarian http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2752814/ff308dcfc55f-Hungarian

Romanian  http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2752814/fb28e1f94dcb-Romanian

Spanish  http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2752814/2775300c31ac-Spanish

Turkish http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2752814/f46379b9f256-TU

  1. FOCUS GROUPS MEETINGS. From June to July 2016, 2 focus groups per country will be organised in 13 countries, giving space for entrepreneurs to state in details what they think about such a cross border exchange scheme
  2. MOBILITY PILOT SCHEME. From November 2016 to March 2017, the final step will be the testing during 1-2 months of a pilot scheme for cross border exchanges. This will be moment when SMEs can gain concrete benefits from having employees participating and coming back with new knowledge or by hosting somebody who brings in a new perspective, while the participating employee gains a valuable and unique work experience

Sincerely yours,

Luigi Della Sala